
Onsite Format

Frequently Asked Questions

for Leadership through Dance™


#1 - What time can my child arrive onsite? What time can my child be picked up after class?

Our onsite curriculum generally start on time per stated time. However, we have accounted for different dismissal times for different schools.

For Roy Cloud, our class lands on an early dismissal day where students will need time to eat lunch. We will meet at the tables outside of the MUB at dismissal for lunch. We will aim to transition into the MUB at 1pm, and start class quickly after the kids are settled. Students must be picked up on-time at the end of class.

For Clifford and North Star, our class starts at 3:00pm. Our instructors will be onsite by dismissal to give our students a quick break before starting our 2.5 hour program.


#2 - What is the structure of each 2.5 hour class?

The students will be moving and dancing in this class, with breaks, discussions, and team activities in between, so there will be enough variety to ensure the kids are not bored. This will be an active program meant to engage your child physically and mentally!

Part 1 = Dance!
The first part of the class will include a warm-up, a focus on specific dance techniques from different styles of dance, and an instructor-led dance piece.

Part 2 = Topic of the Day
While the kids take a break from dancing, they will be actively engaged in activities around a topic for the day that is meant to help them with their team project.

Part 3 = Teamwork!
Small teams will then be divided into breakout rooms over zoom, allowing the kids to get creative with a smaller group to create their own dance choreography. Instructors will rotate between zoom rooms to make sure they are not stuck on their project. When the kids are ready, we’ll start to have them show and teach each other the team-led choreography.

Part 4 = Reflect and Close
With the challenges they will face working together, comes valuable lessons that can be applied to their day-to-day lives. We’ll reflect on learnings and celebrate the progress made as we close the day.


#3 - What will my child need for the class?

Required Personal Supplies
Kids will be required to have their own face mask, to be worn at all times. They should have their own hand sanitizer, water bottle and snacks if needed. Dress in comfortable workout shoes and attire that are comfortable to move in. Please no flip flops and sandals.

Optional: Music that they can play on their device at home
The students will be working on choreography in small pairs or groups, so they will need to be able to listen to their song during the team breakouts. Music players will be provided to each team during class and sanitized after each class. Students may want to be able to access the music individually at home to practice or continue choreographing on their own.


#4 - What is the end-of-session performance? Can we invite guests? Is there an additional cost to perform?

Leadership through Dance™ is all about working together as a Dance Team to co-produce our very own dance showcase. This is a very special experience as the students will be able to see their hard work come to life on stage.

We do not charge an additional fee for the students to perform. All students will be encouraged to perform. However, tickets will be sold to attendees to cover the cost of the rent of our stage. We will also ask for parent volunteers to help behind the scenes. Volunteers will be able to watch the tech rehearsal, and will not need to purchase tickets.

We generally encourage families to invite their friends and extended families to the end-of-program performance. However, this year, we may need to limit tickets due to capacity restrictions for a theatre. All of these details will be provided as we get closer to showtime.


#5 - Will we need to purchase costumes?

We will not make parents purchase expensive costumes for each dance piece. Instead, we plan to ask kids to bring what they may already have at home to minimize costs of costumes. Usually, this will include basics such as black leggings, jeans, white or colored t-shirts, etc. However, we may ask parents to contribute to a costume fund to purchase a Dance Team t-shirt for each child and some additional accessories to compliment what the kids may bring from home.


#6 - What are your procedures to manage and prevent the spread of Covid-19?

Before the program starts:

  • Parents will be required to sign an informed consent form, understanding the risks associated with an in-person onsite program.

For every class:

  • Anyone with the following will need to notify the instructor via email, and stay home:

    • (1) If you or a family member in the same household is currently experiencing Covid-like symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breathe, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, etc

    • (2) If you or a family member in the same household recently tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 14 days

    • (3) If you or a family member in the same household was exposed to someone who recently tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

  • Students and Instructors will be encouraged but not required to wear masks at all times, including during the dance portion of the class.

  • Students and Instructors will need to have their own personal water bottles and snacks for breaks. Bring personal hand sanitizer before eating.

After class:

  • Shared music players will be sanitized after class.


#7 - What happens if someone in the class has been exposed to Covid or tests positive for Covid?

We will be following School & CDC guidelines for handling exposure. There are a few scenarios we may be faced with this year, and we will adjust as needed. For example:

  • If a student has been exposed within their classroom, but our dance program has not been exposed, we will continue classes as planned. For the exposed student, we will try to provide some offline videos to help the student stay engaged and not left behind (eg. choreography learned or created during that day’s class).

  • If our class was exposed, and we are required to isolate or quarantine, our plan is to move to a virtual setting. Zoom links will be provided to students to take class online.

  • If I get sick and am required to isolate or quarantine, then I will see if we can move the class to Zoom, or reschedule. Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund if we are unable to reschedule, as rent and costs associated with starting the program would have already been spent.

  • If for some reason a theatre performance is no longer an option due to Covid restrictions, we will be prepared to move to a virtual performance format. While it’s not our ideal scenario, a virtual performance can be just as impactful as proven in our past virtual summer camp this year.

We know this will continue to be a challenging year, but we are committed to keeping our kids safe, through encouraged masks, open windows and equipment cleaning in between uses. With whatever situation we may face, our goal is to keep our kids actively moving through dance, engaged creatively through self-expression, and personally growing as confident individuals and future leaders through facilitated activities, all the while working towards a goal they can be proud of accomplishing at the end.